it's ok to google yourself

There was a time when you'd never admit to Googling yourself. Now it's really important that you do.

by Darren Caveney

When was the last time you Googled yourself?

Oh, it's been a while then. Do you know what results it will throw up about you?

If you are looking for a new job, or if you are likely to in the future, then you need to know this information. And, wherever possible, you need to shape those results. Most of you help to manage the profile of your employers, with craft and care, so why not manage your own online profile?

Did you know that:

- only 2% of people actually own their entire first page of Google results

- only 50% of people own their first (most important) result

- one in four people have no positive content at all on their first page

This infographic gives more of that, and some pointers on how to improve your ranking and profile on Google.

And Brand Yourself is a useful tool to help you to improve your own search results and online reputation.

We know that recruiters check out prospective candidates online and have done for some time. And if you are ever in the position to recruit again in the future so will you.

Our digital CV's are evolving and changing all of the time but how many communications professionals are actively trying to cultivate and manage their's? 

If you are interested in managing your own online reputation and profile you must read this by Sarah Williams.

But if you are unhappy with your results then these tips on 'un-Googling yourself' might just come in handy.

So go on, be a bit vain and Google yourself today and see if there are any surprises.

Darren Caveney is co-creator of comms2point0

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