up for the cup: march's top posts

Excitement always grows at Comms2Point0 Towers when the engravers get to work on the shiny £1 cup awarded to the creator of the top post for the month.

by Darren Caveney

March was a bumper month for both the number and quality of new posts. And this possibly accounted for a record number of visitors and page views in March.

Anyways, cue drum roll and we'll do this, as usual, in reverse order...

In fourth spot was the superb, unfortunately, essential, 10 things to do when your team is cut in half by Rebecca Crosby.

At number three was Liam Barrington-Bush with How an author is using small conversations and viral campaigning We were chuffed to receive Liam's debut comms2point0 post.

In at two was The year our business went social by Steve Finegan, the follow-up to his original and hugely popular former top post winner, why yammering during work time makes good business sense.

And at numero uno, the cheeky but on the money PR is dead... and just for good measure newspapers are dead too by Eddie Coates-Madden. A fitting winner and well worth a read if you haven't already, and a second read if you already have.

Thanks folks

Darren Caveney is creator of comms2point0 and vice chair of LGcomms

photo by @byebyebirdie

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