a message from cipr presidential candidate Jason MacKenzie

The CIPR is a membership body for public relations in the UK. It is a major voice for the profession. In the race for the Presidency of the organisation Andy Green takes on Jason MacKenzie. We carry a message from both Andy and Jason.

by Jason MacKenzie

The PR industry remains at a critical juncture. Many people still don’t understand or appreciate the value we create for organisations.

The CIPR’s mandate to unite practitioners in the drive to professionalism is vital. We’re on the right track. Now is not the time to zig-zag or to go off on a tangent.

There are three specific areas I will concentrate on, if I’m elected president.

Firstly, I will keep professionalism at the heart of the agenda.

Secondly, I will strive to make membership more valuable and generate stronger engagement with all stakeholders.

Finally, I will lead the Institute in embarking on the most ambitious membership drive in our history.

Professionalism is important, because the world is changing rapidly – and PR practitioners must keep up. CIPR members ought to be committed to excellence, to ethics and to our own development. We should and must create an environment conducive to learning. Our members ought to be hired first, paid more and promoted faster.

Authentic engagement is vital. The majority of CIPR members pay their dues, maintain their accreditation, skim-read emails throughout the year and attend one or two events. The time has come for this to change. There should be no two-tier membership of those ‘in the know’ and those on the fringes. Likewise, we must partner with organisations such as the IoD, CIM and CIPD for mutual benefit.

The final piece in the puzzle is to boost our numbers. It stands to reason that the more members we have, the more value we can generate for them.

I have been working closely with our president-elect, Rob Brown, as we have a shared vision for the future. We believe that the CIPR must invest in growth. This will give us greater influence, greater share of voice and greater ability to engage meaningfully throughout Britain and beyond.

If you’re a CIPR member, I’d value your vote.

Jason MacKenzie is standing for President of the CIPR, is a CIPR executive board director, council member & PPC chairman




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