grab yourself an ultimate unawards ticket

So you've seen the build-up, you've entered the unawards and you've even voted in one of the four public vote categories. Now you could have a chance of being at the first ever comms2point0 UnAwards, taking place next week.

By Emma Rodgers

It sees the culmination of hours of hard work, by both us and all the entrants and has seen some cracking stats so far... 

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the comms2point0 unawards: the story so far

The inaugural comms2point0 UnAwards take place in December in Birmingham. Here's a quick update on the story so far, and details of how you can get involved...

by Darren Caveney

First off, we wanted to repeat our huge and genuine thank you to everyone who has shown interest, entered awards, talked so positively and shared the love for the inaugural comms2point0 UnAwards.

We are very, very grateful.

As a result, it means that you have created the most popular comms industry awards in the UK this year*

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#comms20unawards: who should win the lifetime achievement award?

There's not long left now until entries to our inaugural UnAwards close. But who should win the tasty Lifetime Achievement award?

by Darren Caveney

When we sat down and came up with a long list of potential UnAward categories we felt that a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ award category should be in there somewhere. And when we whittled it down from our long list of 372, down to our final list of 14, we still felt it should be in there.

It’s maybe a slightly funny-sounding award title, and if you think about BAFTAs, OSCARs and such like they seem to go to people who have been around for hundreds of years.

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